MLD Rankings for Locals

Ranking points used for the 2012 MLD North American Championships.

Each player who plays in a qualified MLD Local will earn points based on the following table

Place <12 players 12-35 players >=36 players
1st 20 25 30
2nd 15 20 25
Semis 10 15 20
Last 8 5 10 15
Last 16 5 10
1st 2 4 6
2nd 2 4
Semis 2
everyone else 1 1 1

Remember that YOUR personal region is your official MLD Region in addition to any state/province that borders the state/province you live in!! So travel to those neighboring events to earn more points.

Top 2 in each region will earn FREE entry into the 2012 MLD North American Championship
#3-5 finishers in each region will receive discounted entry fees
MLD Local participants will receive the MLD discount
Anyone else who lives in North America will pay the standard entry fee.